Thursday, January 19, 2017

We haven't disappeared!

We are posting this update to first bring in the new year with Indie Radio Nashville and to also let our listeners know that we have not given up the podcast.

First of all, welcome to 2017! We have had a successful year in 2016 bringing you new music from around the world from musicians who should be heard. 2017 will be no different in that aspect. We thought that we would be releasing more podcasts than we did last year, but we lacked the musicians to promote. Not as many musicians answered our ads as we originally planned. We managed, however, to release five solid podcasts that were listened to by at least 100 people each. This next round we want to break that record and double it with the new episodes.

How are we going to be different in 2017? Our goals for 2017 are as followed:

* Improved podcast quality. (mastering skills needed)
* Quality discussions instead of just introducing musicians.
* To find a place for old podcasts to die that is assessable to everybody.
* Start an online radio station. (Still searching for a cheap host)
* Start artist interviews via skype or something.

We will just stop there for now because that is a long list to complete within a year. These are our goals and will help build our listener base. We want independent musicians to be the new mainstream and will do everything in our power to continue promoting real musicians like you. Check back with us every once in awhile and subscribe so you won't miss anything. Things are coming together for the first episode of the new year. Stay tuned...